Friday, January 17, 2014

Rift in the Republican Party

I find it interesting that the news worth printing beginning this political season is the media biased rift in the Republican camp. There is a fundamental difference in those that call themselves ‘Responsible-Republicans’ the rest of the party. We are not hearing what those ideals are, just the blood sport of the slugfest. Essential to this argument of the ‘divide’ is the principles of the party platform. I am not advocating being a party line person with no regard for the collective needs of a community, just the basic foundation of the platform; limiting government to its constitutional role, free market solutions for economic growth, sanctity of human life, personal responsibility and the consequences that accompany those responsibilities. There are a few others, but for the limited space of this letter I only will mention those. The aforementioned hyphenated members of the party are working against the principle of limited government. The reason that this is even a part of the platform is because the Republican ideals strongly believe that the constitution set a standard for the level of government control in our individual lives. The more we give to laws that invade our very fabric of life, the less control we have over it. Free market principles have morphed into a good ole boy system of ‘protecting mine at the cost of theirs’ by creating law and alliances that protects their investments while the rest of us have to subsidize their privilege. All life has value and we are to honor and protect the older citizens among us, as well as those that are yet to be born. I support primary elections to listen to the concerns of the people and hear the different candidate’s approach with solutions. I am not at all interested in the good ole boys fighting a death match of mudslinging. So I ask the question of you, if examining the principles of the divide, who are truly the responsible ones?

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